Measure and Dilator of Virgin Membrane
Категория: Здоровье |
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The definition of the integrity of the girls’ virgin membrane is very important, quite often it presents certain difficulties, which are also connected with subjectivity. The definition of the diameter sizes of the virgin membrane orifices (osmium) is suggested.
By means of our apparatus it is possible painlessly and quite precisely to measure the osmium size of the membrane in millimetres without damage.
At the same time it is also possible to forecast if there will be blood flow during the first sexual act.
As a physiological phenomenon the first sexual act is taken place without serious complications and painlessly. However, there are the cases when severe pains and bleeding are observed. It may cause serious complications, specifically, such disease as vaginizm, sometimes curable with difficulty.
The main reason is staff, thick, sensitive virgin membrane and partner’s cruel treatment.
In some cases surgical intervention is requested which is also painful and influences on patient’s psychics.
By proposed apparatus it is possible to facilitate the treatment of this state to great extent to widen the vagina entrance to prevent bleeding and eliminate psychic trauma.
Author: Dr. Karlos D. Danielyan
Проекты АТА
Центр Здоровья и Долголетия
Путеводитель по Армении
Негорючая электропроводка.
Эластичные чулки из быстро высыхающей гели с лечебными свойствами.
Создание на основе природных компонентов эффективного антикаогулянта, дешевого и без побочных явлений.
Инновационные проекты в области возобнавляемой энергетике.
Сигареты с лечебными свойствами.