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Категория: Новости | Новость от: admin | 04-05-2017

4. In this respect a scintillating observation is made by an eminent political scientist S. P. Huntington: “While states remain the primary actors in world affairs, they are also suffering losses in sovereignty, functions and power. International institutions now assert the right to judge and to constrain what states do in their own territory. In some cases, most notably in Europe, international institutions have assumed important functions previously performed by states, and powerful international bureaucracies have been created which operate directly on individual citizens. Globally there has been a trend for state governments to lose power also through devolution to sub-state, regional, provincial, and local political entities. In many states, including those in the developed world, regional movements exist promoting substantial autonomy or secession. State governments have in considerable measure lost the ability to control the flow of money in and out of their country and are having increasing difficulty controlling the flows of ideas, technology, goods, and people. State borders, in short, have become increasingly permeable.” (Huntington S. P., The Clashes of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, 2003, 12 b,p.35).
Now the only feasible way of getting over the impasse is the restoration of the value system, because the systemic crisis can mean but that of the values without which all of the formal institutions become emasculated.
5. Having enhanced life standards of Asian civilizations, and created new ones in Americas, Christianity has not only fulfilled its historical mission, but also the spiritual charisma, for it, like never before, brought together man and God. Following the commandments and acts of Christ and Apostles, Christendom constitutes the most active, educated, and prolific part of any socio-economic and cultural environment.
6. The ongoing crisis of the Christian civilization can be explained by the following reasons:
a. Global demographic growth and the quantitative problematic related thereto.
b. Western nations have not fully considered and applied vast resources of the Christian doctrine, having confined themselves solely to the mercenary realm.
c. The Asian civilizations, which owing to the favorable impact of Christianity have put on unprecedented spurt in their development, having ensured their material well-being, now are starting to alienate themselves from the true faith which pattern is so irreparably intrinsic in paganism.
7. Caught in this set-up, Christianity faces the urgency to regain its strength lavished on fostering the rest of civilizations. This can be achieved through fairly tangible and realistic measures:
a. Enhanced teaching of Christian ethical norms (so called integrity, social accounting, transparency, anti-corruption, etc) at community/public educational institutions.
b. Accentuate the involvement of public administration into the scope of the above educational/deontological activities.
c. Overt Christianization of Western legal systems, judiciary, with possible elimination/transformation of the correctional branch.
d. Reconsideration/re-construction of functional activities of the contemporary Christian states/statist systems which will enable to settle a two-fold issue at a time: a) to ensure the proper education and civil functionality with generations to come, and b) to consolidate Christendom in the face of the new phase of pagan onslaught.

1. Ahlstrom. D. “Innovation and Growth: how Business Contributes to Society, p. 11
2. Andrzej Rapaczynski, The Roles of the State and the Market in Establishing Property Rights, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Spring 1996), p.88
3. Castells M. “ The Rise of the Network Society.”, p.404
4. “Corruption and Bribery: National Security Impacts”, Campaign Against Arms Trade, Accessed 12 May 2011,;
5. De Soto Hernando, the Mystery of Capital,2000,p.92
6. Ehrlich Eugen, Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law,1936, p.360.
7. “Frequently asked questions about corruption”, Transparency International, Accessed 12 May 2011,
8. R. G. Hawtrey, Economic Aspects of Sovereignty, 1930
9. Huntington S. P., The Clashes of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, 2003
10. Keynes J.M., The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
11. Khotyasheva O.M. “The Innovation Management”, Moscow, 2005
12. Muller Stephanie Claudia, La corrupsion generalizada de Espsana se airea por las tierras alemanas, Despertares, 19 September, 2012
13. The New English Bible, Oxford University Press, 1970.
14. Porell Victoria, Misuse of Power, Northeastern University Political Review, November 10, 2011.
15. Richter William & Frances Burke, A Practical Guide to Management Ethics,pp 52-56.
16. Schumpeter J., Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, p.156
17. Schumpeter J., An Effect as the Creative Activity of Innovation, 1908
18. Seagle W., The History of Law, NY, 1946
19. Spencer Herbert, The Man versus the State, The Caxton Printers, LTD. Caldwell, Idaho, 1960
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